Hello From the Fairies!
Welcome to our very first Neverland Newsletter!
We are so excited to start this new adventure. Something you will learn about us Fairies, we LOVE adventures!
Each week (hopefully) your Neverland Newsletter is your 1-stop guide to all sorts of things!
Party Prep, The best party games, Top 10 party food, the best Instagram shops around for the ideal gift, THE LIST IS ENDLESS!
We will also be asking our lovely mummies, daddies, pirates and princesses, whoever you are to come and join the exciting adventure with us!
We want you to email us fun things to talk about, ask our advice on anything, or maybe just a subject you think would be helpful for us to share.
Send your ideas to:
Subject: Neverland News idea
Since Neverland Events opened last year, we have gone from strength to strength - and we couldn't have done it without you all!
So this is a chance for us to give back, and allow us to show a more personal side to our amazing following.

Our Journey...
Facegram & Instabook... and the other stuff!
Our main vice we have used since the very beginning is social media. We had our Facebook and Instagram even before our (amazing) website!
Having this free outlet was such a fantastic boost for small-start up businesses like us. It gave us a chance to promote ourselves to thousands of people at a time, as well as giving us a chance before we had to spend the Neverland Notes!
Social Media has no limit - the online world is your Oyster! Before we knew it we were transported (Neverland word of the day) into these fantastic pages, groups, community discussions - and we have created alliances everywhere.
Spreading our Sparkle
Our very first summer we grabbed our sparkly wings and flew here, there and everywhere - spreading our Fairy Dust at School fairs, parties, promotional events - whoever would have us! Getting our face out and actually meeting people is another thing that has helped us grow. Hearing people say 'Oh, look! It's the Fairies!' is still our favourite thing ever.
Making sure we were helping causes around our community was (AND STILL IS - AND ALWAYS WILL BE) a huge must for us. We have raised over £2000.00 since we have started, and every event is different! Our Macmillan Coffee Morning was one to remember - raising £650.00!
If you have an event you think might need a bit of sparkle (literally, prepare for LOTS of sparkle) then please get in touch! Nothing is to small.
Loving what you do!
That's for sure, we love what we do! We love making dreams come true, we love a happy client, we love being the best (5* reviews said it - not us!), we love to PARTY!
Listen to your clients needs - they are always right!
Over indulge in the theme of the party, get your think cap on for the best games.
Vast amount of options - We cater to any theme, any event.
Everyone MUST be happy! Don't settle until we know everyone is happy with our service.
We hope our new Neverland News will bring as much happiness as our parties, camps and after-school clubs give, please let us know your feedback!
Love & Fairy Dust,
The Neverland Fairies